Hello blog. Your owner is sick ):
All of a sudden, i'm down with fever, with my usual combo of swelling fong mok rashes and swollen ears. Like seriously sudden, i was still having loads of fun out shopping in town with reen mann. I spent a bomb, again. Yikes! But am happy with my purchases. Quite ironic, since our main motive of the day was just to get a pair of sandals for reen :\ oh wells..had been ages since we met up!
And back to my sickening fever, i had a terrible night while trying to sleep last night. Kept tossing and turning, and i woke up feeling worse. Popped 2 Panadol and my usual antamin pills for my rashes into my empty stomach. Didn't even have the strength to brush my teeth, so i didn't. Eeew..i know. Woke up with a terrible pain in my stomach. Seriously thought i was going to die. I was slumped over the toilet bowl for like 30 mins, with my body spilling out cold sweat. Finally managed to roll back to my bed and just gulp down all the pain. Finally got better when my mum bought back food during her lunch break.
Still shivering now. Bugger ):