well..yesterday was 07S12's ultimate frisbee match. and guess what, we got 2nd, SILVER! woots..i wasn't expecting that at all. i thought we will be kicked out in the first few rounds. well, almost, when we were against the strongest team, nobel, in the first round. in fact, thrashed. but after that, we won every match. the feeling was soooo GOOD! but damn tiring. playing from 8 to 5pm with breaks in between and under the hot sun sure does not sound tempting to me at all. anyway, in the last match, we played against our first opponent again. we almost won them, just that teenie weenie bit more, and we could be champs! still, we got second!! woooo..and POLO emerged as the overall champion!! (: what i have gained: bonded classmates, a silver medal, memories, and a cut on my knee
adding on, i finally let out what has been bothering me since promos. not as though i want it too. its sad to leave the team just like that, after so much we had been through during trainings and competitions. haix..well, wish u guys all the best!! ):
after the long tiring day, we went to je to celebrate ah wah's bday. well, mine too. and took neoprint! haha..happy ending.
this morning when i woke up, legs and back was hurting so badly, even have trouble walking properly now. i cant bend! ahhh..yesterday was too strenuous, but built unforgettable memories while i can still stay in PJC.

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