Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
went to clarke quay for interview yesterday. so surprised to melanie and her 2 other friends there too. its like all the people who wanna work in the west area were all from hua yi. haha..they will be working at petrol kiosks. i'll be working as a Pokka promoter for the next 8 days, starting from this afternoon. the bad thing is that, im posted to smelly smelly Sheng Shiong at Jalan Bahar. everytime i go there, i will smell like fish. >.< the good thing is that its only 6 bus stops from my house, with another 15 mins walk in. GOSH, think i will die when im stuck there for 8 days, while listening to CNY songs being played over and over again! but i guess it wont be that bad, an hour of ear torture gives my 6 bucks! (: mann, so gonna miss CNY this year. most of all, i miss my fav Bak Kwa. who wanna buy for me??? ):
saw this brand of bleach when my dad drove me to Sheng Shiong last night to check out the place. 'Pipit'. Sounds stupid eh?
have been jogging for the past 3 days. wont be doing much in the next 8 days. >.<
Friday, January 25, 2008
2nd choice: SP Media and Communication
3rd choice: SP Digital Media
4th choice: NP Multimedia and Animation
just came back from my jog, and while i was walking through the terrence houses, i heard this familiar music.
ahhh..makes me feel like watching the movie again. as i walk on ahead, i saw the girl playing the piano inside the house. envies >.< wait till i get my hands on the score! though it will take me at least a month to learn.....
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
and im crazy over checkered cowgirl's and striped blouses now, which i don't know why.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
lol. went to queenstown's ikea for lunch today. so surprised to see jess and her family there too. had my favourite swedish meatballs and chicken wings for lunch. yum yum..and i found out those are jess's fav too. lol..
after that, we went down to toa payoh central to collect some of mum's stuff. then just as my dad was parking the car, i saw jess again! -.- is this freaky or what?? we just so happen to park on the same level of the carpark, at the same time! even if we strike 4D, it wont be this accurate! sheesh..kinda scary. my sis even asked me to get 4D numbers from her. LOL..
then we went down to bt timah plaza. had korean food for dinner! yum yum..
i'm sure i have put on at least 1kg today. boohoo..
something is wrong with my blog again. cant change the font sizes, alignment and colour again. why?? too lazy to find a new blog skin. >.<
Saturday, January 19, 2008
did i make the wrong decision?
i hope not.
just check out their webbie, and it seems rather established and governed.
may be i should finally do something, since i already made a new year resolution to do so.
the only way to is to step our of my comfort zone. right?
yeap, shall just give it a shot.
just when i needed someone most, u weren't there.
Friday, January 18, 2008
let me be random for awhile. this is my favourite CNY goodie. haha..though i cant celebrate, i will still be able to munch on them right? (:
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
had a chance to mingle with the people a year younger then me. they were cool, kinda fun. may be it wont be as bad as i though when i start school in march! (:
then, met up with the bitches for dinner at pepper lunch. sigh..but only for a little while. well, at least it's better than nothing. will it get shorter next time round?
Sunday, January 13, 2008

complimentary apples! haha..
window shopping (:
my $2.00 lunch
if i posted all, i would have died. >.<
Thursday, January 10, 2008
today was the last day of my yeye's funerul. many things happened today.
a small fight broke out between my 2 uncles, my yeye's brothers, over a small money problem that happened many many years ago. its so..wrong. the younger brother refused to lend the older brother 70K to start a business, partly because he's a very flirtatious and "anyhow" kind of guy when he was young. so he bear this grudge till now, even after like 2 generations. even so, i mean, it is a funerul after all. he should at least respect him. ok, may be he did. he only punched him when they got out to the main road, but its still wrong. sigh..all the sons, which means my dad and his brothers, were in front, pushing the van, and we were all behind them. we didnt know what was going on behind, until before we boarded the bus. how could he even have the heart to hit his own younger brother? and they are both old already..
in the end, they prevented him from boarding the bus, in case he created more trouble. this is the first time i see such a thing happened during a funerul. it happened 2 generations ago, why bring it up again? gosh..
shouldnt say more, should not interfere with the folks. >.<
and my hair sucks. big time.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
its now 1:29am. just reached home from the funeral. boohoo, very tired. but still have to wait for my hair to dry.
cut my hair today, turned out to be a disaster. hope it will look better after it drys.
had a cupcake from Amonde. only $1.20 each. yummier than expected.
and my uncle brought his jack russell along. ADORABLE. and his name is Lex. such a handsome dog. even his spots are shaped like a cowboy's pants and vest!
Monday, January 7, 2008
anyways, i spent the whole day at my yeye's funerel at toa payoh today. didnt really do much, but am still very tired. weird. spend the day reading and managed to finish a book written by Janet Evanovich, which is at least an inch thick. yes, i was that free. went to toa payoh hub and central to walk walk also. >.<
cool effects huh? love the contrast.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
eek! ghosts! scary eh? just some traditional cheong sum
after all those, i finally got to change my havaianas at cine. changed it into a pair of white and red Braziliano Praia. then the 3 girls went bread shopping at Taka's basement. had bread for dinner..wahaha
Friday, January 4, 2008
ahh..miss the view of the grand stand.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Jessica says (10:56 PM):today cat and i ate at the chinese rice stall
Jessica says (10:57 PM):then i left some rice on my plate again.. cat sighed and said this reminds me of cerlyn..she'll always play with your left over food
Jessica says (10:57 PM):somehow we always bring up something about vivian.sheila or u.. miss s12
it will never be the same again. miss those days. i would always look forward to going school because of those people. now..sigh, it will not be the same without them. missing them loads, truck loads. ):
just went jogging with my sis again today. ran 8 big rounds of track, wearing pj pe shirt. boohoo...miss pe loads! miss school loads! i even miss wearing my sch uni. dont going to crash their lecture some day!
oh, and my mum loves the brownies i bought from taka's brownie factory for christmas. yay!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
its the year 2008. will be getting into a new school, meeting new people, new schedules to get used to, starting all over again. sigh..but i guess everything happens for a reson.
went to countdown at esplanade yesterday with my fellow classmates. jess joined us for dinner and she had to go. boohoo..
then we went walking around the malls, and we all bought a little something for ourselves. haha..mi and vivian bought cardigans (diff colour), and the guys bought singlets (totally identical). lol..then we went to marina then to esplanade. jia hao manage to find us just in time, like 2 mins before 12am. haha..but it wasnt really a countdown. nobody was counting at all. its only when they heard the POM POM, then everybody start screaming. otherwise, they wouldnt even know its already 12am. nevertheless, the fireworks display was fab. but the crowd was horrible. had to squeeze through tons of people, and had to create pathways through bushes. lol..and saw loads of bangalahs. scary.
vivian, we all know you're not camera shy. xD
aaron bought his little bag of treats to feed us. kinda pathetic though, cos they are all mini sized. lol
pushing their way through the bushes
nice right??
then at bout 2am, went to meet up with the usual bitches. had supper at ah mei. the prata and nai cha sure tasted good. but oil and milk doesnt go well in my tummy. haha..only reached home at bout 4.30am.
woke up at 11.30am today. slack throughout. then surprisingly, i went jogging. ran 8 big rounds of the track. then my head felt very heavy, and my vision start to whiten. then i suddelyn rmb, i didn eat my lunch, cos i was still full from supper. boohoo...wanted to run 10 rounds, but i just felt too awful. at least i ran. teehee~
school will be reopening tmr. all my friends will be going back to school. sigh..will be so left out. all the best for tmr ya!
sigh..just had a heart to heart talk with my eldest sis. we were talking about my dad and ye ye. he was admitted to hospital again. before that, he was in a nursing home. he is getting more and refused to bathe, refused to eat med. he will scold and hit the nurses when they asked him to bathe. he even tried to get rid of the tube they put through his nose. as his kidney is failing, all the toxins are all in his body. since he cant go to the toilet, the only way to get rid of the toxins is through his skin, that's why he needs to bathe. but..haix, he's getting more and more spoiled. he will even scold vulgarities at the nurses. and all of the medical bills are paid using my dad's medisave. my dad's brothers arent helping at all, NOT at all. yes, its true that my dad is the most well of one, but his brothers didn even lift a finger to help. his 2nd brother didn't even want to visit him, forever giving excuses. all of them think my dad is so rich, but he's not! in fact, i think his medisave is drying all. ye ye has been in and out of the hospital SO many times. he almost faced death many times too, even the doctors were amazed that he is still living. and all those medical bills were settled by my dad alone. ye ye is also getting more senile, always think he still so rich, and always hope that he can go back to shanghai to see all his 'friends'. sigh..and my sis's school fees (both sis), are all paid by my dad. one studying in La Salle, the other doing a private degree, the fees will be expensive loh. and next year, i'll be going to poly, its going to add on to his burden. me and my sis were thinking, what happens if something happens to my dad in future? with all his medisave dried up, who will help him? my sis arent working, my mum is just a kindergarten teacher, HOW? just so worried.