I'm back, people!
Bintan was fun fun fun!! Sunburnt, like never before. Peeling, like nobody's business. Even my scalp hurts. >.<
Had many of my virgin experiences there. Hahaha..now, dont think of the weirder side. Read on to know more! (:
Ohya, these pictures are taken by my personal digital camera. Most of the nicer pics are in the school's SLR camera. Shall upload them when i get them on monday.
Met some of my classmates at jurong east at 5.50am. As usual, many of us were late. But oh well..
After 2 hours, we finally reach Bintan! WOO!
I got high and started taking random close up shots of people. Heh, pardon me!
Caught the sunrise on the 2nd day. It was sooo pretty! ahhhhh~

Hopped on the Vodafone bus to some village we visited.

He's sooo cute!
Then we hopped on a boat to an island to visit a school and a village to take photos of the children. Love the boat ride there. Love the breeze!

And the classroom.


This kitten is sooooooo adorable!

We went to a deserted island to have our lunch, and had fun in the water. Hahaha!
Reached Singapore at 7:40pm. Reached home at about 10pm. Shagged! >.<

DCMD 1A01 is soo LOVE! ♥
But the planks were uber scary.
The school.
We went to a deserted island to have our lunch, and had fun in the water. Hahaha!
After that, we went boom-netting. HELLA fun!
We hopped on back to the boat. Then, we jumped off from the deck, into the net into the water, while the boat is still moving. The currents were so strong, that my shorts almost came out. Hahaha! The currents kept sweeping us back to the back of the net, and we had to cling onto the nets for our dear lives. And jumping in was painful. Scratches on my leg. But still, we had loads of FUN FUN FUN! Pictures arent with me at the moment. Shall upload them soon! Hahahah! :D
When night fell, we went star gazing. And guess what, we saw SHOOTING STARS!!!!
GOSH!!!! I was damn hella happy lah! I saw 4 shooting stars, and the first was the best!! So pretty!!!! The whole class were like lying down on the open hut, gazing at the night sky. Then when we saw the first shooting star, everybody was like screaming!! My first virgin shooting star experience! Haha..
Then we had night drawing. Everyone was reluctant to go, cos we wanted to cont admiring the night sky. But we still went in the end. During the briefing, guess what happened again? We saw the moon rising, an orange moon!! I never knew that the moon could rise. It was a gorgeous sight! The moon was like rising behing a far away island. Damn pretty!!!! Caught a few snap shots of it, but all in V's cam. Shall upload it soon. Second virgin experience!! Oh mann..beautiful memories!!!
Sunrises from the 3rd day.
We visited a coconut plantation. Most photos are in the SLR camera. Shall upload them when i recieve it. Hang in there people.

Reflection from the cool Vodafone bus's door. haha..
Went we went back to Loola chalet, we started on our T-shirt design. Was pretty happy from the results of my tee. Shall take a picture of it once i get it down from the hanging pole to dry. Haha..
During dinner, we saw a firefly above us, among the coconut trees! That was what triggered us for a firefly search. So one of the Loola staff brought us to find them. Went to some uber dark area along the beach, to the mangrove tree. Then we saw a tree, which has about 10 fireflies. Oh man...it was soooo pretty!! Looks so magical!! Then when we were about to leave, i caught sight of a sparking light on the sand. When i picked it up, we realised it was a seaweed, full of firefly babies! It was such a fantastic sight!! It was really filled with them, all sparkling and blinking, like a christmas tree! All of us were like "OH MY GODD!"
hahahaha..even the Loola stuff was amazed. And that was my third virgin experience. Haha..had never seen a firefly before, and now, i saw a nest full of them. Awwwww~
Then we had our campfire. Was pretty fun. Enjoyed the perfomances put up by the 3 classes. Hahaha..
After washing up, we gathered at the same open hut, and had some bonding session with the whole class. Even ms huei was there. We took turns to talk about the different things we admire in each and everybody. Talked till it was like 3, 4 am, and everybody zonked out before we could reach till the last person. Ended up sleeping in the open air. Hahaha..
Didn't take much photos on the last day. Guess everybody's energy level is super low.
Was suppose to go kayaking on the last day. Unfortunately, the weather disappointed us. Started to rain. But oh well..we had our critic session on our drawings that we did previously.
After lunch, that's when we left Loola. Sad to leave, too many memories ):
V is missing. ):
Went to Tanjung Pinang for some last shopping, but we only had like 40 mins? haha..so many things to see, so little time. Ended up buying some Timtam, biscuits and keropok for my family.
Then we headed down to the ferry terminal. As usual, we headed up the top deck to enjoy the last Bintan wind. Woo..was FUN!
So here i am, back at home. Slept like a pig. Only woke up at 1pm. haha..good thing that i already unpack my bag last night. I won't have the energy to do it today.
Holidays have just started for most of the poly peeps. Ironically, this is when our holiday ends. Time to start on our VDS/ HCD assignment. Due on the 5th of Sept, and i have yet to touch it. Still have to work, and going to KL and genting next friday. Hope i'll be able to manage my time well mannn...
DCMD 1A01 is soo LOVE! ♥
And this is sooo our class song!
No matter what they say, now, I'm in love
I do it my own way 'cause I'm in love
And I can't keep that song out of my mind
Whistling that silly tune all the time
[whistle...] I'm in love
No matter what they say, I don't care
I whistle anyway, everywhere
I wrote this little song on my own
She said that I'm a genius, I'm in love
My friends say that I'm crazy, I'm just fine
My neighbours stare at me, nevermind!
'Cause only tells the sweetness of her smile
My supersonic girl, I'm in love
No matter what they say, now, I'm in love
I do it my own way 'cause I'm in love
And I can't keep that song out of my mind
Whistling that silly tune all the time
[whistle...] I'm in love
No matter what they say, I don't care
I whistle anyway, everywhere
I wrote this little song on my own
She said that I'm a genius, I'm in love
My friends say that I'm crazy, I'm just fine
My neighbours stare at me, nevermind!
'Cause only tells the sweetness of her smile
My supersonic girl, I'm in love
No matter what they say, now, I'm in love
I do it my own way 'cause I'm in love
And I can't keep that song out of my mind
Whistling that silly tune all the time
[whistle...] I'm in love
This song was like blasting during our bus rides. The lyrics are hella stupid. But soooo catchy!! Everybody was like singing to it! hahahahaha...
Alrighty, i spent hours uploading these pictures. Better start on my work soon. Hahaha...toodles!
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