IDS's assignment on MondayDS's final submission on Tuesday- VDS lesson on Wednesday >.<
- VDS lesson on Thursday
- CRS argumentative essay exam on Friday >.<
6. DT1 assignment 2 submission on Friday, 5.30pm.
Rahhhh!! That't the killer. That single assignment alone has so many parts luhhh!! Let me check what i have done.
Part 1: AIEE Images5 pairs of 10 images should be created within these 5 categories: Analogy, Metaphor, Metonymy, Hyperboly and Irony. YAY!
- 10 Story-images that should be created in a 20 X 20 box. [Left with 8 ): ]
Part 2: My&iMe (PET) Proposal
1. Ontography
2. Character Cast list + Model Sheet My BOBO! :D
3. Character Background and World Write up [On the way >.<]
4. Product/Experience/Toy Proposal [Idea in my puny head]
Part 3: Creativity Coaching Portfolio 1
1. Completed Goal Map (with drafts)
2.Coaching Agreement (with drafts) (jia lat)
3. Action Plan and other coaching worksheet documents (jia lat)
4. Summary of Goals & Weekly Action Updates (jia lat)
5. Coaching Visual Journals and Reflective Notes (jia lat)
Part 4. Hero’s Journey Progress
1. Updated Creative Journey Progress
2. Updated Treasure Map
3. Creative Journey Scenes/Visual Journal Summary Part 2
4. Meeting your Inner Advisor
5. Magic Mediaforms
6. Additional Visuals TBA
( Summary of part 4: Screwed. don't even understand )
Part 5: Assignment Reflection
1. Assignment Reflection
In conclusion, i'm so dead. Up, down, all around. Wish me luck. Need loads of it.
Her smile, already faded.
Cheerios to me
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