Have been too busy to upload these photos. This draft was saved since Sunday, and im only posting it on tuesday. Now, im finally done with the uploading of all the photos. Phew~
Spent my entire Sunday at my cousin's wedding. Guess it was a rather big event since he's the eldest cousin in the family, and also the first to get married. Spent my morning and at my aunt's for the tea ceremony. Hate taking photos indoors, bad bad lighting.
Went back home in the afternoon to rest awhile, before leaving again at 4pm to that Hilltop thingy at Bukit Batok for the dinner. Me and my sisters were in charge of the reception thingy. Love the place there. Pretty!
Ohya, and this was the first wedding dinner that i attend that i got to sit at a table at the first row. Got to take some nice photos cause of that, though its rather blur. Heh..

i LOVE this picture!!
Sisters on top, parents below
My 2 cousins with their girlfriends
And i survived the tiring day with my slightly tight black heels on, with the help of my black stockings. Yay!
On another note, all the best to Squash Team SP !
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