wahahahaha! cant helped but blog about it.
so we had our usual squash training today. as usual, its fun yet tiring. we were already so tired and were looking forward to dinner, then the coach told us that we had to run. we were like *&%!#@*&!!
10 rounds round the track after training made my legs feel like jell-o.
and my knees are officially orh che-nified. at first i thought they got dirty from all those squash balls, but it turned out to be orh ches. darn..now people will think that i have dirty knees! how can my knees bruised so easily, from just pumping?? sighh..starting to worry! ):
Anyway, that's not the main point.
so me, hwan and shan went to Food Haven for dinner, and ordered our usual sheng mian. yeah, it was yummy and all. so we went to pay our bill at the counter. hwan gave her old orange $2 note to the cashier, and guess what, that man mistaken that for a $10 note! and went he gave us back change, we were like "HUH?! we only paid 2 bucks", in our heart!
haha! all of us was kinda stunned and blur at the moment, so we just walked out. hahahaha..after discussing, we finally realised that we had cheated that poor man.
hahahhaa! oh yeah we felt happy that we only paid like a dollar plus each for a scrumptious meal, but felt hella guilty too! hahahaha :D
oh well!~ heh heh heh!
so now what?
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