Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hot flush
Thursday, September 25, 2008
In the end, it all boils down to
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
稻香词:周杰伦 曲:周杰伦
为什麼人要这麼的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
不要这麼容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终於飞回我手里
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
i'm so addicted to this song mann. the only song that i genuinely like to listen on YES 93.3 while working in Sheng Shiong. i'm so going to buy his album, again, as usual.
Unknowingly, i have completed 8 days of work. 6 more days to go.
Unknowingly, its already the 24th of Sept. And i have yet to plan anything for my day.
Have been busy working. Boring, tiring, yet fun. Yeah, contradicting, i know. But..haha, oh well. Only i will understand. ♥
Why now?
Sigh..just go.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
all smiles

hot flush! hot flush! hot flush! hot flush! hot flush!
Saturday, September 20, 2008

And yet again, i've ran out of testing cups. I have prolly about 600 cups to start with, and i have given all of them out in 3 and a half day. New cups won't arrive till monday. What am i going to do tmr mann? i think i just have to keep talking and talking and talking instead. It's soo gonna bore me out. Somebody save me tmr! ):
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Forget it. All i need now is some cheerios.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The start of No-Life.
Words, words and more words.
Am feeling lazy to upload anymore photos.
I just tried my Fruit Tree uni. And my sis said i looked like those sluts promoting beer. HA! Mannn..this is sooo bad! I'm gonna start work in approximately 11 hours. This stinks. Sigh....wished that i hadn't accepted this job offer. Now i would have to miss squash camp and trainings, time to work on my assignment, and sushi-ing with the girls.
Anyhow, wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Today's so not my day.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This is Bad.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
im a happy girl (:

Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Feeling satisfied

Had fun working there today. Time passed pretty quickly there. Perhaps because i'm getting along with the staff there just fine? Though they are mostly from malaysia, but they are a funny bunch of people. Sad to leave them when i just started to know them. Oh well..will be working in Jalan Bahar's Sheng Shiong on the 17th, till the end of the month. At least i will get to see some familiar faces there. And its only a 15 mins bus ride away from homeee. Weeee (:
Saturday, September 6, 2008

But it went alright today. Probably because its a weekend, so there were more people to serve. But still, how am i suppose to finish giving out 168 cans of tea in just 3 days??? 2 days have gone, and im not even half way there. I even gave some to the Sheng Shiong staff. hahaha..
Friday, September 5, 2008
All over
Am so satisfied with it. Everything was hand drawn from scratch, using the tablet. Though i spent like 16 bucks on materials, 30 bucks on printing, 3 days 2 nights of not sleeping, painful fingers from trying to cut huge stacks of paper and cardboard, BUT it was all WORTH IT!!
i'm HAPPY!
After the submitting my assignment, i rushed off to work at west coast. Work was alright, but pretty boring. And i made a stupid boo boo within my first 10 mins of work. I offered drink samples to muslims. Forgotten that they were fasting. And i keep mistaking some of them for chinese, some indians for malays.
Stupid me!!